Join REGAL CLUB & SPA in protecting the Earth and become Regal's Angels.

Join REGAL CLUB & SPA in protecting the Earth and become Regal's Angels.

The "Natural Beauty Biotechnology Aesthetics Center" has been fully upgraded to "REGAL CLUB & SPA," upholding the principle of "Nature First" in protecting the Earth.

Invest in a Greener Earth with Love! Eastern Home Shopping Network's "Empty Bottle Recycling Program" responds to Earth Day 2022.

Invest in a Greener Earth with Love! Eastern Home Shopping Network's "Empty Bottle Recycling Program" responds to Earth Day 2022.

Natural Beauty responds to the theme of Earth Day 2022, "Investing in Our Planet," and launches a special "EARTH DAY‧THANK YOU EVENT: Skincare Empty Bottle Recycling Program" to show love to ourselves and the Earth.

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